Friday, November 18, 2011

Health and Beauty Thursday: Herbal Remedies for a Sore Throat

Thanks to Methow Valley Herbs for use of the image!
I know that this article is going to be a bit beyond some of you out there as it mentions some herbs that you'd have to buy to make some of this stuff, but the article DOES have some good tips that you can just go and do yourself (compresses, use more sage, etc.) and also gives you some information on what things like Echinacea does for your body and stuff.  I found it awesomely informative and am going to be making the Sore Throat Pastilles today as I can feel myself coming down with a cold (stress + sleeping on cold floor to be able to get to son quicker = not good for health).

Go HERE where Methow Valley Herbs gives you tons of cool information and tips on how to handle a sore throat the natural way :).

Stay tuned too as I'm going to be sharing a recipe that is SUPER easy to can and is good for a sore throat here too soon!


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