Friday, December 2, 2011

Winner of the 5.00 Bulk Herb Store Giftcard!

I KNOW this is sort of early and I should keep the contest open the rest of the day, but my internet connection is being...well not great *insert not stated cuss words here*...and I am really trying to just "let my fingers do the walking" when it comes to the rest of my limited Christmas shopping for the year so I don't have to worry about going near the stores until the after Christmas clearance sales hit :).

And the winner of the 5.00 Bulk Herb Store Giftcard is...


I've e-mailed you your giftcard Jared, so please e-mail me back and let me know you got it when you can :).

Thanks to everyone who participated and YES I have a couple of more giveaways lined up here...if I can get my internet connection to cooperate and will be launching them soon!

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