I found this information and found it helped me greatly, so I thought I'd share.
It helps you print IE coupons in FireFox and vise-versa. All "bricks" coupons will have either vi or wi in IE format as shown in red below. In FireFox they will have vg or wg, shown in purple. If you get a message saying "Install the coupon printer" when trying to print a coupon, go back and check to see if the coupon is the right one for your browser. If not, just change the incorrect letter, "i" to "g" to go from IE to FireFox or "g" to "i" to go from FireFox to IE, and click enter to reload the print page in the correct format.
http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?...yv35366831&bt=vi&o=57604&pt=&lang=&ws=&ct=&ci=&cl=&cp=&eb=1&c=GM&p =50c796bc-1609-4ba7-98b1-c6ed77eecf46&z=&r=&pc=&tc=
http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?...yv35366831&bt=wi&o=57604&pt=&lang=&ws=&ct=&ci=&cl=&cp=&eb=1&c=GM&p =50c796bc-1609-4ba7-98b1-c6ed77eecf46&z=&r=&pc=&tc=
http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?...yv35366831&bt=vg&o=57604&pt=&lang=&ws=&ct=&ci=&cl=&cp=&eb=1&c=GM&p =50c796bc-1609-4ba7-98b1-c6ed77eecf46&z=&r=&pc=&tc=
http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?...yv35366831&bt=wg&o=57604&pt=&lang=&ws=&ct=&ci=&cl=&cp=&eb=1&c=GM&p =50c796bc-1609-4ba7-98b1-c6ed77eecf46&z=&r=&pc=&tc=
So if you end up having issues where you see it is for the wrong browser, change the letter necessary to the right one FOR your browser and hit enter (the page that says "Print your coupon" will reload automatically). Then hit "Print your Coupon" button. It SHOULD work after you fix the appropriate letter.
Just thought I'd give everyone the "head's up" on this because I can't think of the amount of times I got annoyed when I'd click on a coupon only to find out it was for the wrong browser and not know how to fix it so I could print the coupon.
That is too freaky, I was just in the middle of writing/researcing the same thing! I was going to add that if all else fails most of the time you can request that they mail the coupon to you! Occasionaly I have had my printer eat my (high dollar) coupons and its nice to know theres a Plan B! Anyways...I think I will scratch my post and post a link to yours and then do a post about the Mail Me a Coupon thing, if that sounds good to you!
That's fine. Have you had any luck with getting the coupons mailed to you? I've requested quite a few and only one from Pedialyte actually came. It's been sort of disappointing.
Really??? Hmmm...I know some manufacturers don't offer that option, but of the ones that do I'm pretty sure I have always received them. Maybe I just lost track and didn't notice when they didn't show up. Good to know it's not the most reliable Plan B.
Thanks for the tips.
Thank You!!! It is so frustrating when that happens. I didn't know there was anything we could do/try to change it!
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